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Old 11-27-2013, 07:05 AM
MMAlan MMAlan is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Alabama
Posts: 2
Default So Many ideas, So many artists!

I have 3-4 ideas that are bouncing around in my head. I want them all, and will get them eventually. Here in my area, there aren't any just "Amazing" artists to go to. Which may to some sound snoody, but that's not really what i'm trying to be. The fact is...When a certain tattoo comes to my mind, it really has importance to me and I want it to be reflected as perfectly as possible, not to mention it will be a part of me forever. Anyway, I tried anyway, and i'm not exceptionally happy about the way they turned out (two from two different artists in the area). Where i'm very happy I got to have the pleasure of meeting both of the artists (who i'm not saying aren't talented by any means) I'm not so happy about the end result. I know that different people are more endowed and creative in different areas of art. Which brings me to my main (or only) point/question.

With these ideas in mind-which are all completely different (From a lion to letters chest/quarter sleeve, to an extremely colorful sidepiece- to an aquatic/action back piece) I would like to know if maybe certain artists at AoN are more interested or adroit to a specific genre of these tattoos. (I'm not opposed to having 4 done by all different artists, there's lots of time for talking, after all). I'm not prioritizing any of the tattoos in mind as far as chronological order is concerned. And I'm open Tuesday-Thursday so i have some play room for scheduling. My only concern with living further away: is there any way to talk to different artists via email or whatever works for them? Or if i were to call the shop directly would I be better off going that route? Either way, I'm definitely going to be coming by AON soon and i'm excited to say the least. Thanks!
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