All or Nothing Tattoo and Art Studio

All or Nothing Tattoo and Art Studio (
-   Pit Bull Rescue (

BRANDON BOND 10-07-2008 01:20 PM

We would like to announce the NEW ALL OR NOTHING CHARITY AUCTION!

Come to our forum:

PLEASE HELP US SPREAD THE WORD! People email us all the time at and asking us "HOW CAN I HELP????" Where here is the answer!

This charity auction will become one very similar to this
That is the auction we built for Johnny Jackson and his wife following their horrific car accident and subsequent hospital bills. THIS auction however is for the BEST ANIMAL RESCUE IN THE WORLD! And they need our help in a BAD way.

VILLA LOBOS has an "ANIMAL PLANET" show coming out late fall!!! around the same time as VICTORY TO THE UNDERDOG documentary. there is the link to the NEW preview with all the celebrities and stuff and our new soundtrack! THE NEW MYSPACE PAGE FOR THE MOVIE IS HERE:

Anyways... this auction is where we are going to raise money for VILLA LOBOS and they need our help to keep operating until the show airs!!! They need it worse that you think... seriously.

I know for a fact that at Villa Lobos, dogs ARE being helped. And SO ARE PEOPLE!!! The workers at the facility are all PAROLEES (former inmates) who are working with the dogs and also getting a second chance. Its amazing! The dogs rehabilitate the men, and the men rehabilitate the dogs!

This location is the LARGEST pit bull rescue in the country, and has over 200 dogs at ALL TIMES, all of which are happy to be there, and treated with an amazing amount of attention, love, medical care, and respect. Tia Maria Torres is an incredible woman who is doing incredible things, but she needs help. It costs over 600$ per day just to keep it going, the truth is she needs a lot more than that. It is the cleanest and best kept rescue operation I have ever seen as well, and to maintain this level of comfort for these animals is also expensive.

Come to our forum:

Post ANY items that you have laying around the house, services, donations, anything!
Examples of what to donate include EVERYTHING from:

Purses, DVDs, electronics, collections of anything, dog outfits, Halloween costumes, tattoo time, gift certificates, masks, Christmas decorations, website building, services, manual labor, paintings, drawings, clothing, dog training, comic books, toys, collectibles, hair cuts, restaurant vouchers, books, advertising, photography sessions, vehicles, "mystery goodie boxes", candy, ANYTHING that someone may bid on????

EVERYBODY can donate something. And if for some reason you CAN NOT HELP, you can still HELP us REACH MORE PEOPLE by reposting!

This will work like Ebay. You post your items, people bid on them, and then the money goes directly to Villa Lobos. They have a paypal account, that the funds will be going directly to them. When the auction is over the items are SHIPPED TO THE WINNER by the person who donated it! DO NOT SEND US THE MONEY OR THE ITEMS! Everyone is responsible for shipping their own donations!

You can also BYPASS the auction entirely and simply donate 1,2,5,10,50,100,1000 dollars! And in fact we encourage this because they need the money NOW!

Click THIS for direct donations! (it's 100% tax deductible):

But, every little bit helps.

Check out Villa Lobos: AND on myspace: AND is their new site we've been slaving away on that is about to be online!!!

This auction will end on OCT 30TH - please help us spread the word, donate, and send your friends to come help out this great cause!

Thank you!

Brandon Bond

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