All or Nothing Tattoo and Art Studio

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BRANDON BOND 08-01-2007 01:59 PM

Its finally on sale you bastards! hahaha
So what's going on in the world of AON? Everything! "The Whole Enchilada" Seminar DVD is NOW AVAILABLE on and is absolutely amazing! We will also be appearing on HDTV news this Friday, for those of you with the HD channel! We have 2 NEW Books from Stranglehold Publications entitled " A.N.T.I. Familia, Vol 2 and Vol 3". Both are children's coloring books and All or Nothing sketchbooks created by all of our artists and guest artists. and have just released a full color collaborative tshirt that is amazing and on sale now! Our Tour is still in full effect, dates and info on all of our sites, and we are about to launch 3 new websites!

The Film Festival world premiere of "See You In H*ll" (the documentary about All or Nothing Tattoo and Brandon Bond available NOW on ) at the Fright Fest Film Festival, in Louisville, KY, August 18th. Both Brandon Bond and the director, Kapil Ghandi, will be in attendance with Sid Haig, Rob Zombie, and Bill Mosely from "The Devils Rejects" and Sean Herman and Josh Woods will also be there tattooing and celebrating. The latest preview for the film is at INKED ANGLES magazine made all of this possible and they will also be there with a pile of incredibly hot models! Check out for hotel premiere tickets and festival info. We will also be filming for "See You in H*ll" volume 2 at the premiere so come on down and get crazy with us at the worldwide premiere of our first feature film.

We would also like to invite you to check out which is our newest website. It is still undergoing some major overhauls, but we love the look and want to hear what you think!

Our message board is overflowing with new members, new video games, polls, and insanity. We want to invite all of you to join our web community and technical tattoo forum:

All Or Nothing welcomes our newest Resident artist J Ranno! His work can be viewed at and he is now available for appointments.

The new seminar DVD is a groundbreaking film that is available only to tattoo artists and apprentices. Previews are to be discovered at:
and, =

"The Whole Enchilada" is an incredible collection of motivational and professional information directly pertaining to all levels of a Tattoo Artist's Career. This DVD is released by Brandon Bond and his Publishing Company STRANGLEHOLD PUBLICATIONS, and will be made available ONLY to professional Tattoo artists. After an artist purchases the DVD ONLY through the purchaser will be contacted directly by the Stranglehold Staff for various forms of confirmation options. We will make it extremely EASY for anyone involved in the Tattoo Industry to purchase the DVD, if you have a business licence or a yellow pages ad or a website, or an inked nation acct or myspace acct or acct - our staff will look at those pages to determine if you are ready to purchase. If confirmation is not possible, the purchaser will be refunded. You have to purchase the DVD FIRST to make it worth our time and effort but we WANT to send it to you so relax, we will make it as easy as possible. This 2 hour+ film is in NO WAY meant to REPLACE a tattoo apprenticeship! All aspects of sterilization and cross contamination must be covered prior to viewing this DVD.

This will light a fire under the a$s of even the laziest of all tattoo guys, and gives you a window into the growth and techniques of ALL OR NOTHING. The film covers everything about stencil layout, illustration vs realism, tattooing, time management, focus, promotion, running a crew, attracting great artists to your shop, dealing with the customers, convention booth acquisition, and career growth. This is a career changing film, from a man that has succeeded on his own terms, and explains in vivid detail exactly how it can happen for anyone who is willing to put fourth the effort.

"This barrage of information is priceless, 15 long years in the making, from an artist who is ever changing our industry". East Coast Ink Magazine

"Tattooing is my life, I have lived for nothing but this art form for 15 years, and this is a collection of the fruits of that labor, and will give the viewer absolutely everything we have discovered to date about this industry and the equipment we use." - Brandon Bond

The seminar will also include the comprehensive list of all International Magazines dealing in Tattoo Artistry. This list has taken us 4 years to complete and has been extremely time consuming and expensive. In many cases the addresses listed are NOT the magazine, but the editors personal addresses, or the direct line to art directors. Venezuela, Scandinavia, Mexico, Japan, Sweden, America, Italy, England, the Czech Republic, Australia, Brazil, Germany, and many other countries. We have already received an article/interview from each of these addresses, so we know that they are as accurate as possible. Many magazines are not sold in the US, but attract clients from afar. Also getting articles in "other languages" is easy, and blows the minds of your clients when you frame it in your studio. The Seminar DVD explains in painstaking detail exactly what to send to where, at what time, and in what form based on the content and audience. This section is dissected by both Brandon Bond and Joy Surles (Editor of Tattoo Review Magazine, Skin Art Magazine, Taboo Tattoo Magazine, Tattoos for Women Magazine, Tattoos for Men Magazine, and Hard Core Ink Magazine).

The seminar was filmed at two locations, "Little Johns" Greensboro Tattoo Convention where Brandon was doing a live seminar with Joy Surles about tattooing, color blending, black and grey and promotion was the first film location. The second was the luxurious A.N.T.I. Art Elite studio in Atlanta Multiple cameras were brought into this exclusive studio and remained for the duration of a tattoo created by Brandon "up close and personal". There are no distractions while tattooing in complete privacy and focusing on the execution of a full color piece from beginning to end. As Brandon discusses topics at the live seminar, scenes of the actual tattoo process in up close detail interrupt the discussion. This allows to viewer to get both the live touring Seminar in its uncut entirety and simultaneously watch the private creation of a piece on his personal apprentice, Matt Dunlap. This project is 2 films blended into one.

Some of the topics include but are not limited to:

Selection/creation of illustration
Photo reference
Body positioning
Cropping an image
Talking clients into bigger and better artwork
Beginning a custom portfolio
Ink selection
Supply Companies
Color palette
color theory and planning
soft vs hard blends
How to get a client to be able to sit longer
Negative space
When is a tattoo is really finished?
Aftercare, Healing, appt booking, multiple sessions, who to tattoo for free and who to charge, Internet helpers, digital graphics, advertising,
Open discourse of question and answer involving everything from making the stencil, whether to even use lines or not and how to properly do both.
Tattoo Photography
How to photograph an image, what magazines are looking for and how to get the right shots. Unhealed vs. healed tattoo photos, background, cropping, printing etc. Where to send it. How to get an ARTICLE in a tattoo magazine, what to send and what NOT to send, when and how often to send it, as well as web presence, promotion, running a business, attracting great artists to work for you and much more!!

"I start at the beginning and discuss image placement, selection of illustration, photo reference, body positioning, cropping an image, enlarging, talking clients into bigger and better artwork, beginning a custom portfolio, and then begin an technical discussion. An open discourse of question and answer involving everything from making the stencil, whether to even use lines or not and how to properly do both, machines, needles, ink selection, color palette, COLOR BLENDING, how to get a client to be able to sit longer, highlights, negative space, and when a tattoo is really finished. And that's just the beginning of the film. Next we cover everything about business, artists, promotion, money and the price of tea in China, it is everything broken down into extreme simplicity, but is not intended for the lazy". - Brandon Bond

The Seminar DVD will also include first All or Nothing Sketch Book (loosely referred to as a Seminar Manual) from Stranglehold Publications and All or Nothing entitled "Burning Bridges and Breaking Hearts" which is referenced in the film and stencil layout on several occasions. The Book will be signed to you by Brandon Bond, Sean Herman , and Dave Tedder at no extra charge. We will also include a packet of stickers and cards as referred to in the promotions section of the film.

We hope you enjoy these new projects and we hope to see you at the Film Festival Premiere! Thank you all for helping us to make all of this possible! We are grateful to each and every one of you!

Love - the All Or Nothing/ Stranglehold familia.
(770) 435-9966

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